Locosys is a gps gnss products modules professional. The two 4input multiplexer circuits have individual active low enables ea, eb. Nsc lm3909 led flasheroscillator,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. Ls0b7dh01 sharp microelectronics optoelectronics digikey. Snx4ls06 hex inverter buffers and drivers with opencollector highvoltage outputs datasheet rev. Semiconductor data sheets andor specifications can and do vary in different. The spl06003 is a new generation of high precision digital pressure sensor developed by. Dual 4input multiplexer sn5474ls153 datasheet catalog. Sn5474ls153 functional description the ls153 is a dual 4input multiplexer fabricated with low power, schottky barrier diode process for high speed. Parameters provided in datasheets and or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time.
Sel487b data sheet schweitzer engineering laboratories, inc. Pricing and availability on millions of electronic components from digikey electronics. Lcp1109027 date jan th 2010 the technical literature is subject to change without any prior notice for the purpose of product improvement. Ls0b7dh01 graphic lcd display module transflective black tft monochrome serial 1. The power transistor is realized by a nchannel vertical power mosfet. The 1n400x or 1n4001 or 1n4000 series is a family of popular 1 a generalpurpose silicon rectifier diodes commonly used in ac adapters for common household appliances. Hex buffersdrivers with opencollector highvoltage outputs, ls07 datasheet, ls07 circuit, ls07 data sheet.
Handle with care using cautions for the followings. Recent listings manufacturer directory get instant. General purpose plastic rectifier 1n4001 thru 1n4007 vishay. Oct 15, 2015 5n3011 datasheet pdf n channel mos fet renesas, 5n3011 datasheet, 5n3011 pdf, 5n3011 pinout, data, circuit, ic, manual, parts, schematic, equivalent. General purpose plastic rectifier vishay intertechnology. Brightsign hd platform, brightsign ls delivers brightsigns signature reliability and a. Description this nchannel enhancement mode power mosfet is produced using fairchild semiconductors proprietary planar stripe and dmos technology. An important notice at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safetycritical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. The ultralow power, low voltage electronics of the spl06003 is optimized for use in mobile phones, wearable, gps navigation devices and outdoor equipment. Ls0b7dh05 page 3 16 as this lcd module is composed electronic circuits, it is sensitive to electrostatic discharge of 200v or more. Nxp semiconductors product data sheet highspeed diodes 1n4148. Sn54ls06, sn74ls06 sdls020f may 1990revised july 2016 snx4ls06 hex inverter buffers and drivers with opencollector highvoltage.
For technical questions within your region, please contact one of the following. Panjit plastic silicon rectifiervoltage 50 to volts current 1. Decodersdrivers the sn5474ls247 thru sn5474ls249 are bcdtosevensegment decoderdrivers. Ls153 datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. Sn74ls07 sdls021d may 1990revised april 2016 sn74ls07 hex buffers and drivers with opencollector highvoltage outputs 1 1 features. Ls0b7dh06 page 2 i contact a sharp representative, in advance, when intending to use sharps devices for any specific applications other than those recommended by sharp. The ls249 is a 16pin version of the 14pin ls49 and includes full functional capability for lamp test and.
Fqp65n06 nchannel qfet mosfet 2001 fairchild semiconductor corporation fqp65n06 rev. Mc74hc259a 8bit addressable latch 1of8 decoder high. Complete technical details can be found at the 1n4001 datasheet given at the end of this page. Its blocking voltage varies from 50 volts 1n4001 to volts 1n4007. Ls06 datasheet, ls06 pdf, ls06 data sheet, ls06 manual, ls06 pdf, ls06, datenblatt, electronics ls06, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data sheet, datas. Vishay, disclaim any and all liability fo r any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any o ther disclosure relating to any product. On semiconductor 09ddj7ucy7raey5779qx3p9aht3y datasheet pdf.
Lm358n datasheet, lm358n datasheets, lm358n pdf, lm358n circuit. Lm3909 datasheet, lm3909 datasheets, lm3909 pdf, lm3909 circuit. The device inputs are compatible with standard cmos outputs. Ls14 datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. The scl1hdpnof12vdc parts manufactured by songchuan are available for purchase at jotrin electronics website. Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design. Diode is a rectifying device which conducts only from anode to cathode. Datasheet contains the design specifications for product development.
It can select two bits of data from up to four sources under the control of the common select inputs s 0, s1. Datasheet of gps smart antenna module, ls200303 1 introduction ls200303 series products are complete gps smart antenna receivers, including an embedded antenna and gps receiver circuits, designed for a broad spectrum of oem system applications. The triac im using is the tic2060 and the picture illustrates the pin out. Ti, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. This advanced technology has been especially tailored to minimize onstate resistance, provide superior switching. Symbol 1n4001 1n4002 1n4003 1n4004 1n4005 1n4006 1n4007. Symbol 1n4001 1n4002 1n4003 1n4004 1n4005 1n4006 1n4007 unit. Snx4ls245 octal bus transceivers with 3state outputs. Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Ordering information marking diagram 2n 3906 alyw a assembly location l wafer lot y year w work week pb. Fqp30n06l 60v logic nchannel mosfet general description these nchannel enhancement mode power field effect transistors are produced using fairchilds proprietary, planar stripe, dmos technology.
Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. Features and benefits mechanical data ordering information. Sn74ls07 hex buffers and drivers with opencollector high. Nsc low power dual operational amplifiers,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. The hc259a has four modes of operation as shown in the mode selection table. Browse rectifiers datasheets for american microsemiconductor, inc. Recent listings manufacturer directory get instant insight into.
Compare pricing for texas instruments sn74ls08n across 36 distributors and discover alternative parts, cad models, technical specifications, datasheets, and more on octopart. In general, x20 ratio in reverse breakdown voltages between 1n4001 and 1n4007 reflects major differences in junctions properties. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit. Diode gen purpose 400v 1a do41 online from elcodis, view and download 1n4004 pdf datasheet, diodes, rectifiers single specifications. General purpose plastic rectifier 1n4001 thru 1n4007 vishay general semiconductor features low forward voltage drop low leakage current. Sn54ls06, sn54ls16, sn74ls06, sn74ls16 hex inverter buffersdrivers with opencollector highvoltage outputs sdls020a may 1990 2 post office box 655303 dallas, texas 75265 schematic each gate input vcc output gnd 9 k. The product is based on the proven technology found in locosys 32 channel gps. Datasheet production data features high output power capability. Versasense sensors versasense sensors are selfidentifying sensors and actuators that connect to versasense wireless devices to provide plugandplay sensing and control. Here you can find a wide variety of types and values of electronic parts from the worlds leading manufacturers. Snx4ls06 hex inverter buffers and drivers with opencollector.
Through its self own iatf16949 certified production lines in taiwan and carefully selected sites in china, locosys is a qualified supplier to tier i ii manufacture in automotive industry design house, ems, oem, odm and provides solutions and services to various market segments. A global leader in the design, development, and manufacture of sensor and magnetic components ls05 series level sensors features. Please contact sharp or its representative before designing your product based on this literature. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Diode behaves open circuited for the current flow from cathode to anode. Ls0b4dn04 notice mobile liquid crystal display group sharp corporation no. Receiver module, l327eir1bc pdf download etc1, l327eir1bc datasheet pdf, pinouts, data sheet, equivalent, schematic, cross reference, obsolete, circuits electronic component search and free download site. Symbols 1n4001 1n4002 1n4003 1n4004 1n4005 1n4006 1n4007 units. All the part names for which the file 09ddj7ucy7raey5779qx3p9aht3y. Trr1a05d00 datasheet, trr1a05d00 pdf, trr1a05d00 data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf. Sn74ls08n texas instruments datasheet and cad model download. Datasheet search engine for electronic components and semiconductors. The versasense barometric pressure sensor s06 detects the absolute pressure of the surrounding air.
Operators operators must wear antistatic wears to prevent electrostatic charge up to and discharge from human body. All operating parameters, including ty pical parameters, must be va lidated for each customer application by the customer. This jedec device number series is available in the do41 axial package, and similar diodes are available in sma and melf surface mount packages in. Snx4ls06 hex inverter buffers and drivers with open. The ls247 and ls248 are functionally and electrically identical to the ls47 and ls48 with the same pinout configuration. Ordering information note 4 device packaging shipping. Datasheet of standalone gps smart antenna module with magnetic sensor, ls20126 1 introduction locosys ls20126 gps smart antenna module is a high sensitivity, low power, smd type, 20 channels with builtin magnetic sensor, 3axis acceleration sensor l1 gps receiver and 10mm patch antenna designed for portable applications. Gate cmos the mc74hc259a is identical in pinout to the ls259. The product status of devices described in this document may have changed since this document was published and may differ in case of multiple devices. Scl1hdpnof12vdc songchuan relays jotrin electronics. A global leader in the design, development, and manufacture of sensor and magnetic components ls01 series level sensors features.
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